I read all the reviews (here & elsewhere) & No Way was I NOT going to pick up the gauntlet thrown on the floor by all the Snarky "you have to be so smart comments"..*LAUGHS* ITS AS SIMPLE AS: If you like Puzzles (A REQUIREMENT - DUH!), You are tired of shot them up no brainier games..TRY IT!! But, Fair Warning: You better be either very good at puzzles or (like me) just plain STUBBORN! *chuckles* I admit it took me a bit to get in (I had the kid pic for my 1st Screen - Looks like it has changed, too bad that one was fun!). Once you pass the 1st Challenge of "How To" actually get in the game (Looks like the new Faces Screen makes it a bit more Self Explanatory), I was Surprised at how quickly I blew threw several levels. (DONT EVER GET COMFY! or Rest in your Laurels! *laughs* It wont let you!)..So, currently, Im still working on the same board for a while UGH!, but I LOVE IT! BRING IT ON! At least it makes me THINK! *smiles*..ALL IT TAKES is Logic, Trial & Error, A MASSIVE Amount of Patience if you get stuck, ok, and a LARGE DOSE OF STUBBORN & REFUSAL TO QUIT UNTIL YOU "GET IT" ("IT" being the pattern, code, whatever, Hey, ITS A PUZZLE, What did you expect? *SMILES*).. Regarding, the Comments about the lack of Instructions: It is NOT brain surgery, IT IS A PUZZLE! & The short Snip-It before the board starts (once in game), DOES EXPLAIN What you need do (Need a Refresher, Click the Gears to see the Board Intro Again for your current game). Thing is it just doesnt hold your hand & spoon feed you the ANSWER! Which I think is GREAT, Do I care if a single puzzle takes me minutes, hours, days or heck even a week (Thankfully it hasnt yet) ABSOLUTELY NOT, as working the "PUZZLE" out is 1/2 the FUN!! The other 1/2 is the occasional annoyingly funny Taunting by the Game! (I think it would be hilarious if occasionally the game threw silly stupid insults at the "Me", the Player!! Like: "What U cant find your way out of a Paper Bag?" Or "Dont You Know Your Left from Your Right?" *laughs* But Hey, Im weird like that (& I have a sense of Humor! *winks*).. THANKS FOR A GREAT & CHALLENGING PUZZLE GAME SERIES!!
Curiosityscat about iMind Games